Learning Development (SEND)

Prior’s Field prides itself on our inclusive ethos.We welcome students with a range of talents, learning challenges and disabilities. Our approach ensures that every teacher is an expert on adapting learning to our students’ preferences so that every day adds value to our students’ short term goals and long term aspirations. Every member of the community is confident in the knowledge that there is no limit to Prior’s Field’s students’ self-fulfilment. 

Dedicated team

Every member of the Learning Development team is a well-qualified teacher and an expert in their field of special educational teaching. Our regular diagnostic assessments alongside subject teachers’ class data and feedback ensures these student’s progress is scrutinised to offer timely interventions and bespoke support. With a fully integrated approach between Learning Support sessions and mainstream lessons, The students’ creativity, curiosity and self-growth is evident in every aspect of their academic and wider lives. 

Life-long learning

The nurturing and bespoke educational underpinning offered at Prior’s Field is exemplified by the learning support available. Whether they need strategies for overcoming a specific learning challenge, managing exams and assessments or help in development of social skills,  we can show them how to meet every challenge so when they leave the school setting, they have the self-belief and self-determining strategies to assist them reaching their goals

Empowering collaborative approach

We know that supporting a child through their everyday educational experience is a privilege.  We therefore ensure that we empower our students to use all the resources available to them. This includes the best of technological and innovative approaches to education.

 Central to this is the true collaboration between teacher, parent and child so that the student knows they have a team around them they can trust, freeing their young mind to discuss challenges and successes and develop true self-reflection and self-advancement in the perfect balance.

Every day builds their future

Every day Prior’s Field engages with fantastic young people. The educational support bears witness to our students transforming into brave, tenacious learners. The value which the learning support adds to student outcomes at Prior’s Field is exceptional.

“Every Pupil who completed a questionnaire agreed that teachers help them to learn and give them individual help when needed.
ISI Report
Section 3.20